(Samson destroys Temple - Facsimile Google)
(Translated from Norwegian)
Dialogue from the film Dr. Strangelove:
General Turgidson:
Mr. President, we are fast approaching the moment of truth, both for ourselves as people and for the survival of our nation. The truth is not always a pleasant thing. But now it is absolutely necessary to choose between two regrettable, yet peculiar, post-war scenarios: One where you cause 20 million people to be killed, and the other where you cause 150 million people to be killed!
President Muffley:
You're talking about mass murder, general, not war.
General Turgidson:
Mr. President, I'm not saying it won't look messy, but I'm not saying more than 10 to 20 million killed, great! Depending on how it all turns out.
President Muffley:
I don't want to go down in history as the greatest mass murderer since Adolf Hitler.
General Turgidson:
Perhaps it would be better, Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American people than with your image in the history books.
(The film "Dr. Strangelove - How I Learned Not to Worry and Love the (Atomic) Bomb (1964)
Dr. Strangelove - Wikipedia)
First a prompt:
The most important takeaway from this newsletter is the explanation of today's monetary system in the section below; "The power of money and the politicians' highway robbery of the people", because it is this system that keeps us in "slavery" and has made it possible for a small percentage to appropriate almost 80% of the values in the world, paid with our tax money. This is made possible through the monetary and tax system this small elite, consisting of only a small percentage of the most affluent bankers, introduced to the entire world in 1913, when the American central bank, The FED, as well as the American tax agency IRS was established, where taxation of the people (not only in the USA) became the guarantor for this small elite to keep and increase their share of the world's values. It is an insidious and anti-people system.
As this monetary system is about to collapse under the weight of USD 305 trillion in debt, and by design allows this small elite to "dump" the losses on us, their plan is to continue the plunder and enslavement of the people by means of an electronic money unit called "Central Bank Digital Currency", CBDC, which, in addition to enabling continued looting of the population, has the ability to monitor us 24/7, thus controlling and dictating everything we do with "a keystroke" on a PC. Joining them in their looting and totalitarian control over us are the politicians and bureaucrats, power-hungry and short-sighted people who do not understand the consequences of what they are involved in.
The money system is the "root of all evil" and CBDC is the primary enemy of the entire world's population. We must stop the introduction of CBDC and any form of centrally controlled electronic currency.
We must replace this centralized and monopolized elites’ money system with "the people's money" - an encrypted and decentralized system "for and by" the people, free from the influence of “the money elite” and politicians. If we fail to do this, we will lose our freedom permanently.
(Facsimile Google)
On the edge of the cliff
That we live in dangerous times is obvious. That we are facing a collapse in the world economy and in the financial markets, as well as an energy crisis that will lead to a humanitarian crisis in Europe and large parts of the world is also obvious.
Likewise, that extreme energy prices will lead to hyperinflation throughout the value chain so that people, literally speaking, have to choose between starving or freezing to death. Subsequently, full collapse and deflation, which will lead us into severe economic and societal challenges that will take years to overcome, if we ever manage to do it. It sounds undeniably surrealistic, however appears increasingly realistic.
Mike Adams in Brighteon summarizes today's geopolitical and economic situation as follows:
“The Western world is collapsing at astonishing speed as all the lies, delusions, corruption and fake fiat money have reached a tipping point of collapse. Food, fertility, energy, transport and supply chains are all being taken down in a controlled collapse of the western world, to be replaced by the rising BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and more soon to join in BRICS), which controls most of the world's raw materials, natural gas, oil, fertilizer and gold."
In other words: Degradation and collapse of Western civilization. It's hard to disagree.
That we live in a time where the conversation between President Muffley and General Turdgidson about a nuclear war in the film Dr. Strangelove, see above, is a real possibility.
In other words: Civilizations do not break down and collapse without a death struggle.
(Facsimile Google)
Why do all civilizations collapse over time?
To know where you are going, you must first find out where you are and how you got there? History tells us that all civilizations collapse at one point or another, and it is always the same causes. We have to understand how and why it happens? What are the triggering factors for the breakdown of Western values and with-it Western civilization? And, who is responsible?
The answer lies in part in analysing the "death struggle" staged by today's Western regimes to make the people believe that the cause is due to other external factors; in other words, a diversionary tactic to push the responsibility away from the politicians and organizations such as the UN, NATO, the EU and the USA. The rest of the answer to these questions can be found in history, specifically geopolitical events since Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published "The Communist Manifesto" in 1848; the very recipe for the narrative that plays out before our eyes.
To be specific:
Hint 1: It is not President Putin's fault, any more than it is Putin's fault that summer is coming to an end, followed by autumn and what Shakespeare in the play "Richard III" named "The winter of our discontent", later used as a title in the Nobel Prize winner in literature John Steinbeck's last book in 1961, in which Steinbeck explores the human weakness we all suffer from in the face of "social pressure", a very relevant issue today.
Hint 2: Read the Minsk I and Minsk II agreements from 2014/15, and take note of assurances given by NATO, the US and the EU to the Russian people, and for the past 30 years repeatedly broken; ever since US Secretary of State James Baker gave former President Gorbachev an "ironclad" guarantee in 1991 - after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 - that NATO would not "move an inch eastward".
Hint 3: Read MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON - by Hans Eirik Olav (substack.com) especially at the bottom of the letter where former member of Bush's government, hedge fund manager and so-called "Wall Street insider" Catherine Austin Fitts tells us that:
Everything is about keeping power over us when the existing "fiat" money system is collapsing and must be replaced, as the elite want it with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
Knowing this, ask yourself whether it is Putin or the money power in the banking and financial market, as well as their henchmen, the politicians – be it the Rothschild disciple Macron in France or the Rothschild disciple Støre, prime minister of Norway, who both believe "that the people must suffer" - that leads Europe and Norway to the brink of collapse?
And what about the deep state disciple "Mad Max Stoltenberg" ("MAD MAX" STOLTENBERG - by Hans Eirik Olav (substack.com), the current NATO boss who, and in a desperate attempt to save Western politicians and political organizations from having to take responsibility for the coming collapse "pushes nuclear war' with Russia in a conflict that could easily have been avoided if Western leaders had sat down with Putin and agreed on the implementation of the Minsk I and Minsk II agreements?
How close to collapse are we?
"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the mass media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality."
Michael Ellner (Author)
There are may obvious and documented signs of an avoidable collapse. An excellent summary given by FOX’ Tucker Carlson is worthwhile listening to, in which Carlson describes and documents why Europe is very close to a complete collapse; on the brink of extreme poverty and hunger (first 17 minutes), here:
Tucker Carlson Tonight 8/29/22 FULL SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS August 29, 2022 (rumble.com)
What Carlson describes is a European continent in full disintegration; a Europe unable to care for and protect its citizens from poverty and hunger. And it's happening now, right before our eyes.
It is easy to dismiss Tucker Carlson as a representative of the "ultraconservative" forces in the US and the world, but then we simultaneously dismiss an important insight and a discussion about what is actually happening because we choose "to attack the man instead of the ball".
The UN warns of increasing food shortages
If Tucker Carlson excellent report on Europe is not enough to scare us, Arif Husain, chief economist for the UN's World Food Program (WFP), now warns that the global food crisis is going "from bad to worse".
According to WFP, 50 million people in 45 countries are already on the brink of famine. A further 345 million people in more than 80 countries are approaching the threshold of starvation. That's a 25 percent increase from the start of 2022. Husain states that this food shortage threatens to:
"…destabilize" economies worldwide. Then you can see why I call this a crisis of "biblical proportions".
According to a survey by “Business Insider”, about 80% of Americans already have trouble getting what they need from grocery stores, such as meat, eggs, bread, pasta, sugar, avocados and canned goods.
Food shortages have always led to political unrest, which is why all politicians rightly "fear a hungry population"; whether it is France's Marie Antoinette at the end of the 18th century, the Arab Spring in 2010, Sri Lanka in July 2022, or Europe and Norway in the winter of 2022/23. For centuries, citizens have overthrown governments and monarchies when food becomes too expensive and scarce for a larger part of the population.
It is not a good sign when President Macron announces that "the time of abundance is over". The French know their history and Macron's statement resonates as badly today as it did when Marie Antoinette asked a "hungry population" to "eat more cake" in the 18th century. For an economically hard-pressed French middle class, where the electricity bill is already considered sky-high and where the medium family monthly income is empty 10 days before the next payday, Macron's statement can quickly become a curse in a nation that historically has treated its corrupt and inept leaders rather brutally.
Rothbard's prediction about Europe
In his 1963 book on economic depressions, professor of economics Murray Rothbard says the following:
"Banks would never have been able to extend credit (debt) collectively if it weren't for the intervention and encouragement of governments"
In 1993, Rothbard was asked what he thought of the idea of a European Monetary Union (EMU)? Rothbard replied that EMU was a good but terribly naive idea because politicians will always be tempted to spend money they don't really have on all possible "good causes". This will lead to an overly expansive fiscal policy, which in turn leads to large deficits and debt levels in all EMU countries.
Instead of taking the consequences of such a development by winding up EMU, thereby making the failure visible to the public and point to those responsible for "this failed project", Rothbard believed that the politicians would invest their prestige in saving EMU "at all costs". Rothbard predicted a hopeless economic failure where the politicians would use the situation to "blame the free market", and thus demand even more regulation and supranational (political) governance, most likely through a proposal for a common banking union. Rothbard warned against what he called the de-democratization and disempowerment of the European people and the liquidation of independent, free nations, and reminded that such a situation could once again lead to war in Europe.
Murray Rothbard died in 1995, a few years before the establishment of the common European currency (Euros). It is 28 years since Rothbard spoke out about EMU and the future of Europe, and his prediction of an economic collapse and war in Europe seems increasingly likely.
Politicians' unrestrained spending (= credit), which accelerated after the introduction of the Euro, especially in connection with the financing of "the green shift", is the most important reason for the imminent collapse of Europe. The world order set by the climate fanatics, representing a thoroughly corrupt environmental industry of almost 2 trillion dollars, with unsustainable and anti-social solutions, benevolently financed by our politicians is, literally speaking, our downfall.
We have been tricked by ideological "thieves" and corrupt financiers.
The power of money and the politicians' “highway robbery” of the people
Automobile founder Henry Ford once stated the following:
"If the people understood how the banking system works, there would be revolution in the streets tomorrow"
What Henry Ford meant by this statement can be summarized as follows:
Private banks owned/controlled by the money elite can lend money that does not exist called credit and charge interest on it. When the bank tells you that "we will lend you money so you can buy the house you want", the bank is really saying that "we will create credit out of nothing in exchange for owning your house until you have paid us back - with interest". People and families are "thrown out onto the street" and many lose their jobs when they are unable to pay back "money" that never has or can exist - and thus should never have been lent at all.
NOTE: The most important reason why this highway robbery has been able to continue for so many years - ever since the creation of the American central bank in 1913 - is because the money power and the politicians have had the opportunity to "PRINT" unlimited amounts of what we call "MONEY" but which is essentially CREDIT, i.e. DEBT, now more at the touch of a key on a PC.
In short: We have been tricked into participating in a pyramid scheme where the money power has used NEWLY PRINTED DEBT to enrich itself on the stock exchanges, in shares, bonds, derivatives and heaps of financial instruments the politicians have allowed the financial elite to "INVENT"; to enrich themselves at the expense of the people. This pyramid scheme of debt has at the same time given the politicians an apparently "bottomless pit" of funds which they have unrestrainedly "WASTED" on establishing a "WELFARE STATE" and a PENSION AND SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM, completely UNSUSTAINABLE, precisely because it is built on A PYRAMID OF DEBT.
MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: All this DEBT caused by those who have a monopoly on today's fiat money system and their minions, the politicians, is always passed on to the population in the form of taxes, fees, and ultimately inflation (the hidden tax on your purchasing power), until the DEBT PYRAMID collapses under its own weight and, quite literally, civilizations collapse.
When the financial crisis broke out in 2008, the provisional peak in this pyramid scheme of DEBT was $105 trillion; even then impossible for the people - who always get this debt dumped in their laps - to repay. We could and should have stopped the pyramid scheme then, but for the money power and the politicians this was never an option as it would have exposed their insane spending spree, completely in line with Rothbard's prediction from 1993. Instead, they continued their unrestrained money printing and their INDEBTNESS OF THE PEOPLE until today, where TOTAL WORLD DEBT has increased from 105 trillion dollars (2008) to 305 trillion dollars (2022), approx. 3.5 times the value of all goods and services (GDP) produced in the world during a year.
For the human mind, it is difficult to put the number 305 trillion in perspective, but if we "play around with numbers" and go back 1 trillion seconds in time, we find ourselves approx. 32,000 years back in time.
My point and as history tell us, there is no society or civilization that has "survived" such levels of debt. Nor will the USA, Europe or Norway.
CONCLUSION: The collapse is inevitable and what we are now experiencing "in slow, but increasingly fast motion" is the breakdown of the entire Western civilization, where increasingly desperate politicians in the USA, the EU and Norway are looking for something or someone to blame in order to distract the population, see Hints 1, 2, and 3, above, first by provoking an unnecessary war in Ukraine, then doing everything they can to escalate this war, then imposing sanctions that harm their own population, causing the people to freeze and starve, and finally, just like Marie Antoinette in the 18th century, "tell the people to eat more cake".
(French Revolution - Facsimile Google)
How will this collapse unfold?
Gradually, an increasingly larger part of the population realizes that they have been duped and that none of the political parties really represent them, nor concerned about their welfare. Our elected officials are instead sickly concerned with themselves; to keep the power and position the money elite has given them "right in front of the noses" of a population that discovers far too late that it has been exposed to a flagrant "highway robbery" for years.
Energy is the key word
Energy, represented by oil and gas, is the most important raw material in every society and when the energy supply shrinks and becomes too expensive, society quickly collapses. When future oil contracts in the so-called "futures market" one year from now are traded at levels around USD 1,000/barrel (today's price is around USD 100) by professional players, i.e. 10 times the current price level, it is an indication that things are about to "spin out of control".
What does this mean for the medium household?
Converted into real life cost of living numbers, the above scenario will cost you in excess of NOK 200/litre of petrol USD 20), or NOK 12,000 (USD 120-140) for a full tank of gas. Energy in the form of oil and gas is part of the entire value chain of what we consume of goods and services to survive, and if, for the sake of simplicity, we are conservative and multiply todays cost by a factor of 5, the food and electricity bill for an average family will be approx. NOK 40,000 (USD 4-4500). Inflation in energy, food and electricity prices inexorably leads to inflation in interest on the mortgage and if we use a factor of 5 here as well, the interest cost for a middle-class family will probably amount to approx. NOK 20-25,000 (USD 2-2500) per month. This scenario means that an average family must have an income of NOK 70-80,000/month (USD 7-8000) after tax, i.e. approx. NOK 120,000/month (USD 12-13000/month) before tax, provided they sell their car, cancel all holidays and walk to work, if they are lucky enough to have a job.
That Norway’s prime minister “comes to the rescue” with subsidies to "relieve the pressure" does not help because "money does not fall out of the sky". The help comes from you in the form of already paid taxes and duties and will require increased taxes, increased use of oil money or "printing of currency", all inflation-creating debt that must be paid back - by you. Our prime minister and government "give with one hand and takes it away with the other hand" creating an even bigger problem that ultimately “falls into your lap”.
(Facsimile Google)
Social consequences
In such a scenario, the share, bond, derivative and property markets, as well as all other markets, collapse. Unprofitable businesses and products created and kept alive with cheap credit collapse "overnight".
In such a scenario, really long before it gets that bad, all banks, financial institutions and nations, all of which are hopelessly indebted go bankrupt, as all the largest banks in Europe have been for a long time, i.e. technically bankrupt, and ever since the financial crisis in 2008 have been totally dependent on "life support" in the form of massive money printing from another insolvent institution, the European Central Bank (ECB).
When the collapse is a reality, national internal cooperation and international alliances will cease, and trade agreements will be cancelled without warning. The survival instinct takes over. Former friends and allies "stab each other’s backs" in the search for "the strongest alliance", exactly as they have done in all previous wars and desperate situations.
That is why Norway Prime Minister and our elected officials have chosen and will continue to "stab their own people in the back" when Britain and the EU demand more and more Norwegian gas at the expense of the Norwegian population. Our Prime Minister will choose to let Norwegians freeze before "Simple Joe" in England and "Uncle Klaus" in Germany freeze. It is called "might is right" and our Prime Minister knows what is best for his own future.
The green shift
Ironically, it is the climate fanatics and their "the green deal" that "pushes us off the cliff" and send us back to the Stone Age", completely in line with Henrik Ibsen's famous play "Per Gynt", the compulsive liar and charlatan who, and like today's population, "is waiting for the moment when he must face reality and come to terms with his own depraved lifestyle".
Karl Marx' and Klaus Schwab's world order - globalism
In order to understand why we have ended up in this "dystopian hell", we must first understand the starting point for globalism as the premier supplier of the introduction into our lives of the "dictatorship of the proletariat", the society where the people, according to Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto" from 1848, will be "hunted down and chased into the communist paradise”; now more World Economic Forum's (WEF's) Klaus Schwab's fascist dictatorship "where you own nothing but are happy".
(Facisimile Google)
In the middle of the 19th century, Moses Hess wrote down the first basic principles of communism. Hess was a close friend of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who wrote "The Communist Manifesto" financed by Baron von Rothschild.
Marx termed this new world order the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" and the enemy was the family, personal freedom, private businesses, nation-states and religion. This is what the Communist Manifesto from 1848 is all about, and it is quite similar to what we can read today from the UN's Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and the UN's draft “Biodiversity Assessment Report”. The European Community, the EU, is a child born of Marx's ideology, and is used today by faceless and ruthless left-wing bureaucrats to introduce the totalitarian Marxist state, "The United Federation of Europe".
We have all seen the tool box of this Marxist Invasion; such as climate religiosity, gender role absurdity, and extensive censorship, of which the Corona crisis is the last "tool in the toolbox" to "disarm" Europe's population physically and psychologically to ensure - as Aldous Huxley described it almost 100 years ago - complete despotism.
In the end, the Communist Manifesto and cultural Marxism merge into a fierce hatred of the status quo, which explains why and how people's opinions are trodden down with the help of an extreme belief in the concepts of "political correctness" and the "zero-tolerance society", whether it concerns war, terror, refugee flows, climate, Covid 19, or the absurd gender role debate. The politically incorrect has no chance in today's social debate and is quickly labelled and silenced as a conspiracy theorist and supporter of "white supremacy". Cultural Marxism does not allow anything other than political correctness and has zero tolerance for anyone who "is off track" in relation to the blind belief in the breakdown of traditions and conventionality.
Bolshevism and the EU
The idea of a globalized communist world order is still alive and well in the EU's capital of Brussels, despite the fact that they call it "globalism", as a natural consequence of the fact that "communism" has become a swear word. However, the ideas and ideology are the same today as in 1848, in the former Soviet Union, in Cuba and in North Korea; a totalitarian world order, where the EU is a central power factor for erasing cultures and peoples through a people's revolution in the image of Marx and Engels.
Former Prime Minister of England, Margaret Thatcher understood the danger and the madness when she summed up the EU quite precisely like this:
"Europe" in anything other than a geographical sense is a completely artificial construct. It makes no sense at all to lump together Beethoven and Debussy, Voltaire and Burke, Vermeer and Picasso, Notre Dame and St. Paul's, boiled beef and bouillabaisse, and present them as elements of a "European" musical, philosophical, artistic, architectural or gastronomic reality. If Europe charms us, as it has so often charmed me, it is precisely because of its contrasts and contradictions, not its coherence and continuity.”
The Marxists – easy prey for the money elite
Hess, Marx, Engels and the world's richest family dynasty Rothschild understood already in 1848 that the way to a "new world order in their image" lay in the interaction between the very richest - the power of money - and communism/socialism, hence “Cultural Marxism”, through the easily influenced progressive leftists, which has always been "easy prey" for the money elite. Look now further than George Soros to understand this.
This is the simple and abbreviated explanation of why we have ended up in the dystopian world of the globalists; a civilization on the brink of economic, moral, legal and societal collapse; a world where politicians like Macron and our own prime minister Jonas Støre - like Marie Antoinette in the 18th century - have the audacity to tell us that "the time of abundance is over" as Macron recently stated to the French and European people, that "Norwegians must freeze in solidarity with the European population", as Støre clearly believes we should be dealing with the electricity crisis, and if we have problems accepting this, we can just "eat more cake" as Marie Antoinette suggested to a starving French population in the 18th century.
It is with such contempt for their own populations that our leaders have chosen to show us the way forward.
Next act in the current energy crisis
The EU will continue to demand energy supplies from Norway, and can put power behind the demand as a result of our authorities having entered into a hair-raisingly bad agreement with the EU, a form of "economic suicide". In addition, we lose even more of our sovereignty, but that is also the meaning of the EU, which is what these globalists, want. Most Norwegian politicians want full membership in the EU but do not understand the political, and especially not the economic, consequences of this. They are, as usual, "completely in the dark".
The next act in this horrid energy saga may quickly become a situation where we have to supply energy 100% on credit to the EU countries who lack the ability to pay us. We are left with large financial claims on e.g. Italy and Spain, denominated in Euros. These and other EU countries, are insolvent and technically bankrupt. We end up not only selling electricity to Europe cheaper than what we pay here at home, but in practice we end up paying their entire electricity bill because they will never pay us back, unless the Euro collapses and they can pay us back with "wheelbarrow loads" of worthless currency. The chances of that happening are very realistic.
Madness, impossible?
Well, this is a situation we know from EMU and Target 2, where Germany has lent 1200 billion Euros to Italy and Spain, to save these countries, not from an energy crisis, but from a liquidity crisis. This is debt Italy and Spain never will pay back. which the taxpayers in Germany have to pay. However, The EU collapses before that happens. The likelihood that the EU will send the electricity bill for Norwegian electricity back to its "wealthy northerners" is imminent, and our prime minister will certainly let them get away with. Just wait and see.
The introduction of the Euro was a serious mistake. Attempts to regulate our way out of an energy crisis is equally stupid. We now find ourselves in a situation where Norway is supposed to produce cheap energy and "give it away" at the same time as Germany is shutting down coal and nuclear power plants. Is it any wonder the price is rising, and how stupid is it possible for our elected leaders to get?
1929 = 2022 – only much worse
To understand what is happening, and the contempt of the money elite and politicians for the world populace, we need not go back further than 1929, the start of the "Great Depression"
In Baron von Rothschild's own words:
"When the streets of Paris run with blood, I buy"
(Facsimile Google)
In the late 1920s, when the bubbles in the stock and real estate markets were at their height, the plan of central bank governors Norman (BOE) and Strong (FED) was to stop the buying spree by raising interest rates, thus creating inflation in the market; i.e. rather similar to what the American central bank (FED) is doing these days. In Europe, the European Central Bank (ECB) is following suit by slowing down/ending the massive purchases of insolvent European countries' government bonds and other more or less half-rotten securities.
The crash of 1929 and the imminent collapse of the American and European banking, financial and real estate markets was and is no accident. The crash of 1929 was planned by the money elite; the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Morgans and more. The head of The Bank and England, Montague Norman, and the head of the FED, Strong, were only henchmen, just as politicians such as our prime minster Jonas Gahr Støre and the president of France, Emmanuel Macron are today.
Macron's job before becoming president was at the Rothschild Bank. Both Støre and Macron studied at the prestigious Science Po university at the Sorbonne in Paris. Both were "taken under the wings" of the fascist Klaus Schwab in the World Economic Forum at an early age, as were many Norwegian politicians, business leaders and our crown prince couple at one point or another.
It is the above-mentioned power structures in central positions in politics and finance, who secretly "pull the strings" and who control the central banks and the private banking system. Macron and Støre are some of the "puppets" of the money elite, possibly without knowing exactly what they are involved in. The UN, NATO, EU, IMF, World Bank etc. is "crammed full of such money power's "puppets".
Therefore: Never believe what these politicians tell us, NEVER, because as a virtue of necessity - they are professional liars. Follow what they do. The coming crash is planned by the same groups/types of people as in 1929, with the same corrupt “puppets”" in key social positions.
The money elite's "insiders" on Wall Street and the City of London, who and in collaboration with those who ran the American central bank, The FED, and the Ministry of Finance, "smiled all the way to the bank - their own bank - after their sell-out of financial assets before the crash of 1929 occurred; thus, they left the losses to be paid for by the citizens, just as they will try to do this time as well. As with the politicians, the money elite showed their contempt for the people, with Treasury Secretary Mellon's arrogant and cynical rationale for the planned 1929 collapse (described by Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States):
“Mr. Mellon had only one formula: "Liquidate labour, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate." He insisted that when people get an "inflationary brainstorm", the only way to get it out of their blood is to let it collapse. He believed that even a panic was not a bad thing. He said: "It will clean the rottenness out of the system. High cost of living and high private consumption will go down. People will work harder, live a moral life. Values will be adjusted and enterprising people will pick up the wreckage from less competent people."
What Rothschild's “blood in the streets” and Mellon's statements confirm is that the money elite and the politicians are betting on the population never "waking up”; completely in line with the attitude of our prime minster Jonas Gahr Støre, France’s president Emmanuel Macron and the rest of the European leadership. They lie to the people because:
"No society wants you to become wise: it is against all the investments of society. If people are wise, they cannot be exploited. No society wants people to use their own intelligence because the moment they start using their intelligence, they become dangerous to the apparatus of power" - Osho
(Facsimile Google)
The Roman Empire and Europe
When an empire collapses, it dies slowly, like the Roman Empire 1,500 years ago and like the United States and Europe today. It takes a long time before the moral, social, legal and economic decay reaches the point where "the republic dies". “The fight to the death” starts long before the politicians and the people understand that it is “a fight to the death”. That's because no politician wants to "stand on the bridge" when the collapse occurs, and does whatever it takes to push the inevitable collapse, “the can down the road”; as evidenced by the last 10-15 years of massive money printing. Many people now understand that something is wrong but allow the politicians to continue the madness because they also fear the collapse and want to postpone "the problem for another day".
As mentioned, the most important reason for the breakdown and collapse of civilizations is the debt caused by the fiat money system and the pervasive political corruption that emerges as a result of the ties between money power, politicians and political organizations. The system is necessarily characterized by an increasingly large state bureaucracy which exercises ever more totalitarian measures against the population. This form of intermingling is called "corporatism," another word for fascism; by the fascist Klaus Schwab in the WEF it is called technocracy.
(Facsimile Google)
In the end, it was the money system and an ever-growing and corrupt political bureaucracy that ruined the Roman Empire, combined with ever-increasing exercise of power by the political elite against the population and external military aggression; with extensive and increasingly ostentatious social entertainment of the masses similar to what we see in various social media and TV programs today, strangely enough also "cookery", as we also see today, and extreme decadence, as we also have in today's Europe .
This "deadly recipe" of wasting away of currency, an enormous and increasingly totalitarian bureaucracy and social decay became the final destination of the Roman Empire, rather like the end we see more than the outlines of in today's Europe, Norway included.
Man's strongest driving force
Hope is humans strongest driving force. Hope keeps us up every single day with expectations that tomorrow will be better than today, and that everything in our lives will be much better in a year or two. As long as we do not lose hope, this driving force will win over an equally strong driving force, the fear of the unknown and incomprehensible, until this fear becomes unbearable and wins over hope.
And here, oddly enough, lies the solution for the population for the USA, Europe and Norway, as well as many other countries trapped in this existing dystopian nightmare. If a sufficient number of people "wake up" and challenge their own fears of the unknown and incomprehensible, by familiarizing themselves with the history and explanation of why we have ended up where we are, then we will be able to do something about it.
We cannot escape the "winter of discontent", but we can try to limit its scope by telling Macron, Støre and other European leaders that the EU immediately commands NATO boss Jens Stoltenberg's to stop the current aggression policy towards Russia, then sits down at the negotiating table with Putin to see whether it is possible to save the peace - thereby gas, natural fertilizer and grain deliveries to Europe - by hopefully "breathing life into" the Minsk I and II agreements that ensure peace in Europe and the world. That is if Russia, which in reality has already won the war in Ukraine, is interested in trusting these western politicians yet one more time, the likelihood of which seems rather slim at this point. But we must try.
Next, we need to take our freedom back from the politicians and bureaucrats in the state apparatus who have been taking it away from us for a very long time. We must reduce the politicians' power and influence over our daily lives drastically because freedom is important to fight for.
As Albert Einstein stated:
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who stand by and watch without doing anything"
You cannot expect a few to fight the battle for your freedom, while you turn away, shrug your shoulders on the notion that this is "none of my business". It's cowardly, and more importantly, it always leads to your own downfall.
What if we no longer accept that the state carries out actions that are considered morally reprehensible and/or criminally liable if they were carried out by you and me? What if we showed determination and courage, and spoke out against a money system and a politician- and bureaucrat-run society that has made us morally impotent, economically impoverished and is destroying the economic basis for future generations.
We must take our freedom back because freedom is unilaterally positive for all interpersonal relationships. Freedom will create a better, more sustainable and happier society.
Ultimately, we must understand that humans and their immediate family and social surroundings are best suited to nurture and care for one another, and that an all-powerful state and its faceless bureaucrats are particularly unfit to assume this responsibility. History has shown us, time and time again, that the latter over time always leads to economic chaos and lack of freedom, ultimately despotism.
We must take our freedom back from the power of the money elite and their henchmen, the politicians. We must say no to the introduction of the modern slave state through the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). If we do not, we are condemned to "eternal perdition".
We are running out of time.
(Facsimile Google)
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Links to buy my book, FARVEL MENNESKE, can be found here, unfortunately and at this time only in Norwegian:
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