“You don't know me but I'm your brother
I was raised here in this living hell
You don't know my kind in your world
Fairly soon, the time will tell
You, telling me the things
You're gonna do for me
I ain't blind and I don't like
What I think I see
Takin’ it to the streets
(1) Taking It To The Streets - The Doobie Brothers - YouTube
(Facsimile Googel)
Europe is dangerously close to "total collapse" as a result of extreme scarcity and price increases for food, fertiliser, energy and industry. The entire European banking system, which has been technically bankrupt since the financial crisis in 2007/2008, will very likely collapse shortly due to unsecured financial exposures, i.a. tens of trillions of Euros og financial derivatives placed in, among others energy markets, combined with the European authorities' only and desperate means of action: Continue to print "worthless" money that becomes a liability for today's population and unborn into the future. Europe and European leaders are "unhinged”. Common sense and all rationality have disappeared, and Europe's leadership is desperate in relation to a "mountain of debt" over which they no longer have control. This debt is about to ruin the entire European continent. No civilization can survive without food, energy and money, and the leaders of Western Europe seem determined to destroy all three. The only way they see out of the “debt hell” they have created is to create social chaos and destruction, thereby getting rid of all the debt without the European people understanding why the collapse is taking place and who is to blame.
The timing of the "downfall of Europe" is difficult to predict, but the Vatican's decision to empty all its national and international bank accounts of billions of Euros and transfer the money to the Vatican's own private bank no later than October 1, indicates how close we are to collapse.
As always, this newsletter will attempt to explain the madness and why everything - absolutely everything - is connected, and why people need to wake up and take control, and in so doing restore a government for and by the people.
Don't listen to what they say - watch what they do
In my latest newsletter, WHEN CIVILIZATIONS COLLAPSE - by Hans Eirik Olav (substack.com) - by Hans Eirik Olav (substack.com) I ask somewhat ironically and rhetorically if we can trust what our elected representatives in government and in Parliamen tell us, because anyone with a clear head knows that our elected representatives lie to us all the time; almost as "a virtue of necessity" to cover up the incompetence, arrogance and corruption that pervades the entire political elite.
It is said that the second most read book in the world after the Bible is J. D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye", published in 1951; the story of the 17-year-old "rebel" Holden Caulfield. Each year, approx. 1 million copies of the book is sold and total sales are approaching 100 million (J. D. Salinger - Wikipedia)
(Facsimile Google)
The Catcher in the Rye is the story of the young and lonely hero, Holden Caulfield, who stands in the middle of a large field of rye, as a self-appointed protector of children, and where these children are not even aware of Holden's existence. In this sense, Holden appears as proof of the impractical nature of the hero, the person who is searching for "an impossible calling", something as naive as saving the children from "all the madness in the world".
In frustration over a deceitful society and lying politicians; in order to communicate his message with respect to "the madness" and "human self-deception", J.D. Salinger describes Holden as a frustrated liar. Salinger was a veteran of World War II and clearly of the opinion that the collective self-deception and lies we are fed by our political leaders and their mouthpiece, the MSM, are so pervasive that the truth is not sufficient to "wake people up."
In Holden's Caufield's own words:
“I'm the most amazing liar you've ever seen in your life. It's terrible. If I'm on my way to the shop to buy a magazine, and someone asks me where I'm going, I'm inclined to say I'm going to the opera. It's terrible.”
In a completely different place and in a completely different story, we have Henrik Ibsen's "Per Gynt", the pathological liar and “self-deceiver”, who characterizes the society I somewhat ironically call the "wishing well"; Norway, the country where the prime minister and the state apparatus do what they want with the people and the people's resources, for example energy and power resources, without any consequences.
(Ibsens “Per Gynt” - Norwegian folklore liar - Facsimile Google)
The explanation can be found in history
In the book "The Anarchy" by William Dalrymple, the beginning, development, but strangely enough, not the end of England's colonial rule is described. Why not? Before we answer that question, let's start with the beginning:
On September 24, 1599, as William Shakespeare pondered a draft of Hamlet, a motley group of Londoners gathered in a rambling building lit by Tudor windows. The purpose was to obtain permission from the aging Queen Elizabeth I to start a company to travel to the East Indies and other islands in those waters to trade...buying or exchanging goods, such as jewels and other valuables for the English the crown.
The company's name was the East India Company - Wikipedia, and marked the beginning of England's heyday as a colonial power. The EIC would eventually rule large areas of India, made possible by the fact that a private limited company, the EIC, had England's military power at its disposal to brutalize the local population. Centuries of siege and plunder of India formally ended on 15 August 1947; India's Liberation Day, and eventually almost all former British and European colonies were to be freed from their colonial masters.
(Facsimile Google)
The English understood that it was futile to use military force in the 20th century to maintain their iron grip on the colonies, and instead found another way to do it, i.a. at the establishment of the political organization "British Commonwealth of Nations" where a total of 56 former colonies are members. The term "common wealth" - common values - and the fact that Queen Elisabeth II was the head of the organization until her death last week, and King Charles is taking over now, underscores why and how England never really gave up its political and economic ambitions in these colonies.
The English never intended to relinquish control of the former colonies, including the United States, but they had to find a more cunning way of exercising power and control. It would take too much space to explain in detail how this was done, but the short explanation is that they did it by offering the already impoverished former colonies financial support; first "euthanasia" to survive the "breakup" with their "Overlords", then more and more loans to "rebuild the country" after centuries of English plunder.
The "support" was and still is mediated by the small elite who control the world's fiat money system, and in order to make it look like the support is being given by "people who care about poverty and hunger", the loans are channelled through organizations such as the UN, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with our tax money. It is our tax money that is lent out so that the money power's business empire gets the biggest and most lucrative task of "building the countries back up again". The method was and is to put all these countries into unpayable debt so that one obtains political power and decisive influence over the same raw materials these countries were plundered for during the colonial era.
This documentary explains a lot about the success the money power has had in investing our hard-earned tax dollars to gain the greatest possible power and value for themselves, without sharing it with the people who funded it for them:
MONOPOLY - Who owns the world? [MUST SEE] (rumble.com)
If you have not yet seen this documentary and also do not understand what is happening in connection with today's political and economic chaos, take an hour of your time and watch it.
Today, the rest of Europe is included in this modern form of plunder and colonization, and the tool is the EU and the European Monetary Union (EMU), which, with the help of the European Central Bank's money printing, indebts the European continent until it collapses in the economic and societal collapse unfolding right before our very eyes today. The money elite's plans for a "New World Order" - a world government - and The Great Reset - the society where you are ownerless, monitored 24/7 but happy – is not a conspiracy theory. It's conspiracy facts.
A good and real life example is the history of Greece's membership in the EMU enabling the looting and retribution of the Greek population by the money power, and how all the foreign "hedge funds" sold out at a large profit before pulling out, leaving a mountain of unpayable debt to the Greeks.
It was all staged and carried out by Mario Draghi as a "lackey” for the banking and financial dynasty Goldman Sachs Bank in connection with the "falsification" of Greece's state finances in order for the country to be accepted as a member of the EMU. Goldman was paid USD 500 million for the job. A few years later, Greece was "put under administration" and supranational control by the EU and the European Central Bank under the leadership of, yes precisely, the same Mario Draghi; after Draghi let his friends in the Hedge Funds sell out at a huge profit, while they left all the debt to the Greek population. When the Greeks inevitably failed to meet their payment obligations, caused by Goldman Sachs and the other "hedge fund" friends of Mario Draghi, it was “game over" and Greece was in effect stripped of its sovereignty as an independent state by the EU. Greece is governed according to the dictates of the bureaucrats in Brussels. Subsequently, Draghi was awarded for his work by being appointed to Prime Minister of Italy, a position he just left, hopefully because more and more people are waking up.
This model is the same for the rest of Europe; a modern form of colonization and plundering of populations and resources using a monopolistic fiat money system built on debt.
Last chapter in the colonization – The Great Reset
Now the debt has reached unsustainable levels and something must be done, preferably quickly.
That is why the head of the World Economic Forum, the fascist Klaus Schwab, probably the most important henchman in the last capital of colonization, is of the opinion that:
"The Great Reset requires the destruction of competitive markets. Production is then brought under state control.”
(Uncle Klaus og WEF - Facsimile Google)
Which is exactly what happens when European leaders arbitrarily decide to "choke" the energy supply, with the obvious result that the electricity bill for thousands of Norwegian and European businesses leads to bankruptcy in the next 6-12 months. This is a choice European leader themselves made when they confiscated 300 billion dollars of Russian bank deposits, "threw" Russia out of the SWIFT payment system, which in practice was the same as refusing to pay for the gas they depend on from Russia. At the same time, Europe's leaders oppose every attempt to end the war in Ukraine, for which the EU and the US are to blame because they did not comply with the Minsk I and Minsk II agreements. The responsibility for Europe's energy crisis and the impending collapse lies solely with European leaders.
That Europe is very close to total collapse is confirmed by i.a. Eurometaux, an organization of Europe's leading metal producers, which in the form of a letter to the President of the EU, Ursula Von der Leyen, states as follows:
"...we raise the alarm over Europe's worsening energy crisis and the existential threat this crisis poses to our future....and call on EU member state leaders to introduce crisis measures....to prevent the permanent closure of jobs"
If we put the statements and the political actions into context with each other, the only logical explanation is that the whole thing is planned, and that it is being done because the debt is astronomical and that for this reason there are no longer sufficient funds for, among other things. future pensions and welfare services. The "coffers are empty" and the truth must - as always – remain hidden for the people.
The Marxist paradise
It has been a long time since the Norwegian people and most part of western civilization were "chased into the Marxist paradise", under the guise of the "welfare state", where "everyone plunders each other" with the state as an eager promoter of this plunder. In a country where everyone - rich and poor - depends on the state's "dictatorial" favour to obtain privileges, paid for with our tax money and our oil fund, both the prime minister and the state apparatus can safely exercise their globalist ambitions - thereby showing their utter contempt for the population - without notable protests from neither a "Holden Caulfield" nor "Mor Åse" – Per Gynts mother - who, in anger and despair at her son's lying and debauched life, shout out in desperation "Jonas, you lie" (“Jonas” PM of Norway in the role of playwright Ibsen’s “Per Gynt”). In the “wishing well” of Norway, both Per Gynt and Jonas Gahr Støre get the highest marks when all the lies he lies and self-deception rolls across the TV screen or on stage in Oslo Nye Teater (main theather in Oslo, Norway).
The lights are on, but no one’s at home
In Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre's office and in the Norwegian parliament "all the lights are on, but no one is at home" in relation to a people he, and the other politicians, long ago lost interest in.
That is why 1/3 of the representatives of the parliament choose to travel abroad, with your money well spent, to various exotic places under the auspices of the committees they sit on, and allow a sufficiently narrow majority to "stay at home" so that they can pretend that the debate about the energy and electricity supply, as well as sky-high prices, is something they care about. They don't.
When parliaments planned deliberations regarding the energy and electricity crisis is commenced on 19 September, the representatives of the following committees have more urgent things to attend to:
14 members of the industry committee travel to Brazil and Argentina 18–30. September. The purpose of the trip is to be "informed about, among other things, the situation for Norwegian business actors, the maritime sector, tourism, free trade agreements, agriculture and fisheries, the green shift and general business development".
15 members of the municipal and administrative committee travel to Minnesota and California in the USA 12-21. September. The purpose of the trip is to study innovation, integration, indigenous peoples, housing policy, the American election campaign and "to visit areas with Norwegian-Americans, where Norwegians run businesses or organizations with a focus on Norwegian-American cooperation and common interests".
15 members of the health and care committee travel to South Korea 17–23. September. The purpose of the health and care committee's trip is not stated, but we have to assume that it is to "de-stress" after a gruelling summer holiday.
13 members of the Education and Research Committee travel to France and Germany 19–23. September. The purpose of the trip is to hear about the work with vocational subjects, both at secondary and higher level, and they will visit the OECD in Paris.
In addition, one representative travels to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Japan. Another attends the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly in Athens.
More than 1/3 of the parliamentary representatives would rather go on "exotic pleasure trips" paid for with our tax money than engage in the interests of the Norwegian people in connection with what European business leaders characterize as "an existential threat" to the European people. While Europe and Norway are being steered towards collapse, 1/3 of our elected officials are sitting "in a bar" in the USA, South Korea, Japan, Greece, Germany and France.
A web of lies
My point, if it is not clear enough, is that our elected officials couldn’t give damn about the Norwegian people, and that this is due to a combination of incompetence, discouragement and political corruption; a feeling of inadequacy and hopelessness over one's own deficient abilities, similar to Ibsen's Per Gynt, where one lie turns into the next and this lie again turns into still more frequent, larger and fanciful lies, and with it increasing contempt for those our elected officials lie to, the population.
A country without self-determination - ruled by diktat
Corrupt politicians and faceless bureaucrats in the EU rule Norway through dictation; evidenced by the dictatorial energy agreement with the EU proves. Jonas (Norways PM) just can't admit it, because that would constitute an admission that the Norwegian people have never really been "masters of their own house".
The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the fascist Klaus Schwab govern the EU through dictates from institutions such as the UN, NATO, IMF, World Bank, WHO, and these are in turn governed through dictates from institutions such as the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and others These are institutions owned/controlled by those who have a monopoly on the world's reserve currency, the dollar, and today's fiat money system; i.e. the money power on Wall Street and the City of London.
The globalists meet at the WEF's "Uncle Klaus" in Davos and the annual Bilderberg conference where corrupt politicians and public officials, as well as business leaders receive and accept the dictates they are governed by; where the payback is continued political power and financial benefits to "grease the wheels" in this insane deception of the population.
Once back home after drinking and eating at "our expense", our elected officials tell us «How happy" they are going to make us, if only we listen to the dictates they are "bought and paid" to pass on to us from their "Overlords" in WEF and Bildeberger.
Therefore: Never believe what Jonas and the politicians tell us, NEVER, NOT FOR A SECOND, because they - as a virtue of necessity, through dictation - are professional liars. Together, they lead us "toward the cliff" probably without any comprehension of what they are doing.
The origin of madness
It is important to understand that almost all world leaders (of importance) are either members of or closely associated with the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), as well as organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), the UN, the UN Climate Panel (IPCC), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), NATO, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger and others, all of which have been conceived by the CFR.
When the UN was founded, the CFR's delegation of 57 people played a decisive role, evidenced by the fact that the UN building in New York was erected on Rockefeller’s property.
All these organizations have a different goal than what is being claimed; the goal is power through control of the masses, preferably a "world government" and a money system based on a "world currency", so-called Central Bank Digital Currency, (CBDC) over which they have full control.
It is the money power that controls these organizations. The politicians and the bureaucrats are "useful tools" to implement their goals.
The IMF and the World Bank
The IMF and the World Bank were conceived by the world's financial elite and politicians during a meeting in Breton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944. The announced or public goal was to "promote international trade and stabilize the exchange rate of national currencies". The real goal was something completely different:
Eliminate the gold standard to gain full monopolistic control over the fiat monetary system (paper money), as well as establish socialism as the world's political system; not to serve the masses, but to secure support for what the money power wanted at all times.
No one in the money power elites is a socialist or communist; they just see socialism as the best tool to get what they want it. Socialism/collectivism is the form of government that creates the most effective submission and dependence on the elites, and with the politicians' dependence on being financed by the money power elites, they have the tools to "create a world order in their own image".
It was no coincidence that Baron von Rothschild financed Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto" and lent "young Karl" money to speculate with, nor was it a coincidence that Rockefeller, Morgan and others financed the Bolshevik revolution for Lenin, Trotsky and other "revolutions", nor was it a coincidence that George Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush was the middleman when American businessmen financed Adolf Hitler.
Skull and bones - the meaning of Freemasonry
(Skull and Bones Freemasonry - Yale University - Facsimile Google)
In 1776, Adam Weishaupt founded what is today called the Bavarian Illuminati. "Illuminati" as a term exists to this day as the overall power center of world freemasonry. Mayer Amstel Rothschild, who established the Rothschild financial dynasty was a close friend of Weishaupt. As is known, the Rothschilds were deeply involved in the French Revolution, the financing of Wellington's victory over Napoleon at Waterloo, the Bolshevik Revolution, the US entry into World War I, as well as the vast majority of wars throughout history.
Rothschild “couped” the Bank of England in 1815, and companies, organizations and institutions owned by or under the influence of the Rothschild dynasty have helped shape everything from politics to the entertainment industry. Where Rothschild is, so is Rockefeller, and in many cases also the Morgan’s, Warburg’s, Schiff’s and other prominent “money changers”. Together they make up the "world's financial powerhouse", although today apparently other people and organizations have influence on "Wall Street" and the political environment. The names have been replaced to some extent; the packaging is slightly different, but the same forces are behind it all.
Freemasonry, or rather "Illuminati", is central to this power structure and how power is being exercised at any give time on any give topic.
It is not without reason that the most important freemason in American history, Albert Pike, who also founded the Ku Klux Klan, has his own mausoleum in the centre of, and close to iconic and historic buildings in the capital of Washington. It is not without reason that the dollar bill has the well-known Masonic symbol "Illuminati eye" printed on the bill itself. And, it is not without reason that the most important "peace-supporting" institutions, such as the UN, NATO, the World Bank, the IMF, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the UN climate panel IPCC and others. springs out from the Council of Foreign Relations think tank, which in turn springs out from the brotherhood "Skull and Bones".
(Weishaupt and Pike – Facsimile Google)
Skull and Bones is a "fraternity" or masonic community at the prestigious Yale University in the USA. Almost all members of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) come from this Freemasonry. Almost everyone comes from so-called "privileged families" and is selected by the money power elites to steer politics and society in a certain direction.
In Skull and Bones we find the more occult, for example the Freemasonry's admission procedures where you lie naked in a coffin - hence the name "Skull and Bones" - and swear allegiance to the order above everything else, even the laws of the land and the oath of office if you were to achieve a high-ranking public position. Each member of this masonic community swear to uphold the laws of Freemasonry before national and international laws. I have acquaintances in Norwegian Freemasonry who dismiss this as purely symbolic and not practised, but the facts about the CFR, Skull and Bones and the infiltration and influence over the above-mentioned institutions suggest otherwise.
An example of this is the presidential election campaign in 2004 where the American people were given the choice between George Bush jr. and John Kerry as presidential candidates. Both are members of "Skull and Bones" and both have participated in cult-like rituals at the annual gathering at Bohemian Grove, owned by Rockefeller. Many of society's elite gather there; those who manage the ideas, ideology and interests of "this small group of people", many of them from the CFR/Skull and Bones, who control the world's monetary and banking system.
A long-term plan for total control
As mentioned, the plan and strategy can be dated far back in time, even further back than the year 1599 when the East India Company was founded. But, two important moments should be noted as perhaps more important than others, the year 1776 when Weishaupt established the international order of Freemasons, oddly enough the same year as the American Declaration of Independence, and 1944, the Breton Woods Summit, where the strategy was laid for what is now popularly called the "New World Order", "a world order where, according to Klaus Schwab in the WEF, you "own nothing but are happy", which could quickly become a reality when Europe collapses. How happy we become from poverty, famine and hunger remains to be seen.
One of the foremost exponents of the plan was Maurice Strong; former Secretary General of the Earth Summit in 1992, the first head of the UN Environment Programme, president of the World Federation of the UN, vice president of the World Economic Forum, member of the Club of Rome, and member of the World Future Society, to name a few of the positions of trust Strong has clothed.
(Maurice Strong - Facsimile Google)
Strong was a super-rich Canadian oil tycoon who surrounded himself with other super-rich, and some of the most famous political leaders, all members of the CFR; such as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and the founder of the World Bank, Robert McNamara, who was central to the think tank Report from Iron Mountain (1966), where the "global environmental crisis", later the "climate crisis" was invented, for and as the report puts it:
Controlling and pacifying populations through existential threats. It didn't matter if the threats were true as long as the population believed it.
As with the authors of the Iron Mountain report, Strong and his friends were concerned with creating a one world government. In his own words to journalist Daniel Woods ("The Wizard of Baca Grande, West magazine, May 1990):
"...so, to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about? This group of world leaders form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse. It's February. They're all in Davos. These aren't terrorists. They're world leaders. They've positioned themselves in the world's commodity and stock markets. They've engineered - using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies - a panic. Then they keep the world's stock markets from shutting down. They block the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world's leaders hostage in Davos. The markets can't shut down. The rich countries....." Strong makes a small motion with his fingers as if flicking a cigarette butt out of the window. "I probably shouldn't say things like this," he says.
I wonder if Strong understood the symbolism of "flipping the cigarette butt out of the window", when we see what is happening today, 30 years later?
If we put Strong's statement in the context of "The Great Reset requires the destruction of competitive markets. Production is then brought under state control", as well as the call from the 40 largest metal producers in Europe to EU President Ursula Von der Leyen for "immediate crisis measures" to prevent an "existential threat" to the European people, what takes place "outside our window» becomes more understandable. .
Of course, we can dismiss all of this as conspiracy theories. It requires nothing more than that we close our eyes, stick cotton in our ears and lock ourselves in a room with no connection to the real world, and only watch and listen to MSM.
What should concern us about Maurice Strong's statement 30 years ago and what is happening now is that it fits so well with how the money power elites have planned and acted throughout history - from the Battle of Waterloo, through the First and Second World Wars, the Bolshevik Revolution upto today's wars in the Middle East, now most recently the war in Ukraine - and that this is all Putin’s fault; which gives our European leaders no other choice but to run Europe "into the ditch", preferably go to war and wipe out Russia.
Are we so gullible that we believe this narrative?
Report from the Iron Mountian (1966)
The Report from Iron Mountain represents perhaps the best explanation and documentation of how the "New World Order" and "The Great Reset" are planned and executed. Keywords are "reign of fear" and "existential threats".
As mentioned above, today's climate crisis and climate religion were conceived in 1966 by the CIA-appointed think tank "Report from Iron Mountain", with former US Defence Secretary Chief Robert McNamara (Robert McNamara - Wikipedia) and the well-known economist John Kenneth Galbraith (John Kenneth Galbraith - Wikipedia) as two of the participants.
The mission was to find a credible alternative to (ongoing) wars; in the report's own words:
“When it comes to postulating a credible substitute for war... the 'alternative enemy' must involve a more immediate, tangible and direct threat of destruction. It must justify the need to take and pay a "blood price" in broad areas of human concern.”
In other words, an accurate description of the climate activists' fear scenario, nothing other than total submission to today's "climate religion". Either you are a member of the cult or you are ridiculed, threatened and gagged. Quite similar to the "reign of fear" and ban on speech that was introduced in connection with the fabricated "Covid pandemic".
Further from the report:
“In this regard, the possible replacement enemies mentioned earlier would be insufficient. An exception might be the environmental pollution model, if the danger to society it posed was truly imminent. The fictional models would have to carry the weight of extraordinary conviction, underlined by a not inconsiderable actual sacrifice of life... It may be, for example, that gross pollution of the environment may eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the main apparent threat to the survival of the species. »
Note in particular that the fictitious models mentioned can be equated with the fictitious models used by the UN climate panel, IPCC, which have been exposed and uncovered a number of times as fraudulent, but are covered up with the help of the MSM, Norwegian media included. Note the cynicism and contempt for the populace as they hope and believe that a destroyed and polluted environment can replace the threat of nuclear war to "keep the masses in check".
Further from the report:
"poisoning the air, and the most important sources of food and water supply, is already far advanced, and at first sight it seems promising in this respect; it contributes to the threat which can only be dealt with through social organization and political power….It is true that the rate of pollution can be selectively increased for this purpose…. But the pollution problem has been so widely publicized in recent years that it seems highly unlikely that a program of deliberate environmental poisoning can be carried out in a politically acceptable way."
Again, the people must be manipulated and the need for a lie that must appear so terrifying that it does not meet political opposition in the people, i.e. man-made global climate crisis. Remember the purpose: Totalitarian control over the masses where "every bullet is a peaceful bullet".
If we have to be killed for the good cause, it is nice to know that it is a "peaceful bullet" that carries out the murder.
Finally, the conclusion from the authors of the Report from Iron Mountain:
"No matter how unlikely some of the possible alternative enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found of credible quality and scope, if a transition to peace is ever to occur without social disintegration. It is more likely, in our opinion, that such a threat must be invented.”
The Report from Iron Mountain was written in 1966. It would take 22 years before a sufficiently large threat was introduced by the money and power elite as an alternative to perpetual wars; The UN climate panel, IPCC, was founded in 1988. Then the threat of man-made global warming was constructed and the above-mentioned organizations started their enormous propanda apparatus to deceive the entire world's population for their own economic gain and to consolidate and strengthen the state and money power elite’s control over the people.
Do we need Fact-checkers to check whether we are dealing with climate fraud?
Do we need Fact-checkers to check whether we are dealing a "Covid pandemic" fraud?
Do we need fact-checkers to check the background and responsibility for the war in Ukraine?
Do we need fact-checkers to check how the fiat money system works in order to indebt the world's population beyond recognition?
In general: Do we need fact-check to fact-check that European and Norwegian leaders are "driving Europe towards collapse" to cover up what they - unwittingly or openly - directly or indirectly - have been involved in as minions of the past and present colonial masters, the banking and money mafia?
A warning to the world's population
(Facsimile Google)
“Take this message to my brother
You will find him everywhere
Wherever people live together
Tied in poverty's despair”
(Doobie Brothers)
The book about the East India Company and the British colonial power ends like this:
"The East India Company remains today's history's most ominous warning about the potential for the abuse of corporate power - and the insidious means by which shareholders' interests can apparently also become the interests of the state. Because as recent American adventures in Iraq have shown, our world is far from post-imperial, and probably never will be. Instead, Empires are transforming into forms of global power that use campaign contributions and commercial lobbying, multinational financial systems and global markets, corporate influence, and predictive data collection of new surveillance methods instead of—or sometimes alongside—overt military conquest, occupation, or direct economic dominance to achieve its goals.”
Four hundred years after it was founded, the story of the East India Company has never been more relevant.”
Where are we in the autumn of 2022?
We are, quite literally, in a world where the last chapter in the history of colonization, plunder and brutalization of the world's population, exemplified by the history of the East India Company, Maurice Strong's vision of the future in 1990, the Report from Iron Mountain in 1966, as well as the WEF's The Great Reset, is taking place before our very eyes.
As the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy described the East India Company in his letter to an unnamed Hindu on 14 December 1908:
"A commercial corporation enslaved a nation of two hundred million people"
And with Edward, First Baron Thurlow's (1731-1806) in defence of a system of colonization and plunder that is alive and well today:
"Companies have neither bodies that can be punished, nor souls that can be condemned, therefore they do as they please."
With Holden Caulfield's closing and somewhat defeatist attitude to the world and the people around him in the book "The Catcher in the Rye":
"That's all I have to say.....Never say anything to anyone.....if you do you'll just miss them"
Holden Caulfield apparently gave up "his calling" to save the children from a lying and brutal world. Perhaps he realized that it was impossible to "wake people up." Perhaps he went to Norway and teamed up with lifelong pathological liar Per Gynt. Although, I have my doubts. The author, J.D. Salinger leaves us clueless about the further life and whereabouts of Holden Caulfield. Instead, he devoted himself to Zen Buddhism.
Perhaps Salinger wanted us to figure out these things on our own, to see if we are awake enough to have a conscious relationship to the world we live in and do something concrete to create a more peaceful and better world for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, free from "a small bunch" of narcissistic psychopaths with a distorted and dystopian image of themselves and the world?
We can only hope.
Have a nice day!